BRMT Level Two

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BRMT Level Two in Romania

RHYTHMIC MOVEMENT TRAINING, EMOTIONS, AND INNER LEADERSHIP, THE LIMBIC SYSTEM Participants will study the relationships between reflexes and our emotions, our challenges, our fears, and paralysis due to fear. It clarifies the role of the limbic system in emotional control and stress, and how the BRMT integrative exercises are very effective for working with individuals […]

BRMT Level Two In-Person: Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training, Emotions and Inner Leadership, the Limbic System

   This in-person course teaches how to work with movements to support our emotions and integrate criticial primitive reflexes. In this course we also see the reflexes that especially affect our emotions: the Fear Paralysis Reflex, the Moro Reflex and the Tendon Guard Reflex. It is a necessary tool for anyone who wishes to work […]

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