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BRMT Level Three: Rhythmic Movement Training and Primitive Reflexes (In Person)

This course deals with how our reading and writing ability is affected by various factors such as vision, articulation and motor ability. We learn how to test for non-integrated primitive reflexes and recognize other motor disabilities that are important for dyslexia. Additionally, we learn how to improve reading and writing ability by correcting these problems […]

BRMT Level Two in Romania

RHYTHMIC MOVEMENT TRAINING, EMOTIONS, AND INNER LEADERSHIP, THE LIMBIC SYSTEM Participants will study the relationships between reflexes and our emotions, our challenges, our fears, and paralysis due to fear. It clarifies the role of the limbic system in emotional control and stress, and how the BRMT integrative exercises are very effective for working with individuals […]

Level 1: BRMT Level One: Rhythmic Movement Training and Primitive Reflexes (In Person)

Level 1 is a comprehensive introduction to Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training. In this 16-hour course, participants learn the basics of BRMT including how to test 6 primitive reflexes, as well as learn and practice a series of rhythmic movements and isometric pressure techniques to integrate them. Integrating reflexes regulates muscle tone and stimulates the brain, […]

BRMT Level One: Rhythmic Movement Training and Primitive Reflexes (In Person)

Level 1 is a comprehensive introduction to Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training. In this 16-hour course, participants learn the basics of BRMT including how to test 6 primitive reflexes, as well as learn and practice a series of rhythmic movements and isometric pressure techniques to integrate them. Integrating reflexes regulates muscle tone and stimulates the brain, […]

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