Course location:
St. Brigid Villa at Ignatius Jesuit Centre
5420 Hwy 6 North, Suite 460
Guelph, ON
N1E 0H4
Part 2 is directed towards participant who have attended Part 1 or BRMT Level One and Two. In this course we learn to test and integrate primitive reflexes which cause muscle tension, pain, osteoarthritis and deformities on different levels: jaws, neck, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, hips, legs, knees, feet, shoulders and elbows.
We learn to integrate all reflexes that may cause a rotated pelvis, and work with hip pain to prevent osteoarthritis of the hips.
Prerequisite: Part 1 or BRMT Level One and Two
Course location:
St. Brigid Villa at Ignatius Jesuit Centre
5420 Hwy 6 North, Suite 460
Guelph, ON
N1E 0H4