by BRMT Canada | Feb 15, 2024
This In-Person course teaches how to work with movements to be in contact with our emotions, and to stabilize emotions. In this course we also see the reflexes that especially affect our emotions: the Fear Paralysis Reflex, the Moro Reflex and the Tendon Guard Reflex....
by BRMT Canada | Feb 15, 2024
Level 1 is a comprehensive introduction to Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training. In this 16-hour course, participants learn the basics of BRMT including how to test 6 primitive reflexes, as well as learn and practice a series of rhythmic movements and isometric...
by BRMT Canada | Feb 15, 2024
Level 1 is a comprehensive introduction to Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training. In this 16-hour course, participants learn the basics of BRMT including how to test 6 primitive reflexes, as well as learn and practice a series of rhythmic movements and isometric...
by BRMT Canada | Feb 15, 2024
This course deals with how our reading and writing ability is affected by various factors such as vision, articulation and motor ability. We learn how to test for non-integrated primitive reflexes and recognize other motor disabilities that are important for dyslexia....
by BRMT Canada | Jan 24, 2024
Level One is a comprehensive introduction to Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training. In this course, participants learn the basics of BRMT and gain an understanding of how rhythmic exercises can be utilized to regulate muscle tone and stimulate the brain, improve...