Modern medical science has now recognized the fact that chronic inflammation is the common cause of many disorders e.g., autism, ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. This course explains what chronic inflammation is and summarizes its causes.
Most children with autism examined with bio resonance by Harald Blomberg have turned out to have severe deficiency of vitamins such as B12, B6 and minerals such as zinc, phosphates and others.
Common causes of such deficiencies are pyroluria and B12 deficiency. This course explains how such deficiencies cause chronic inflammation and how to test for and treat these deficiencies to make optimal healing possible of many symptoms both in autism and many other disorders.
This course addresses parents and caregivers of autistic children as well as people who want to learn more about vitamin and mineral deficiency in chronic inflammation and detoxification disorders, especially pyroluria and B12 deficiency.
Course instructor:
Liz Jones-Twomey
Course location:
Kitchener Waterloo Region
Course date & time:
May 3, 2025: 9:00 AM – 5:00 pm EST, and
May 4, 2025: 9:00 AM – 5:00 pm EST
Course cost:
Early Bird Price for In Person — $450.00
Early Bird Price for Online — $475.00 (if manual is mailed within Canada)
Register by April 3, 2025 for early bird pricing.
Regular Price for in Person — $475.00
Regular Price for Online — $500.00
Review Price — $275.00
*proof of certificate in BRMT training required
If taking this course outside of Canada, contact Liz to arrange cost to mail to your location
$100 non-refundable deposit is required.
Registration deadline is April 19, 2025
Prerequisite: BRMT Level One
Highly recommended: BRMT Level Two